About Iulian Zonenstain

Physician by training, I have been practicing alternative and traditional medicine, based on the holistic approach, which assumes that any condition is a disturbance of the inner harmony.

According to this idea, the vital force existing in each of us is the only one able to determine the way of restoring balance, regeneration and healing.

The ultimate goal for each being is to obtain a harmonious state of physical, psychological and mental health and implicitly a harmonious way of life at all levels, starting from a conscious way of living!

Access to the source of this vital force is available to everyone and is most easily obtained by observing and modulating one’s own mind.

I have been preoccupied for 30 years with the way the human mind works. I had learned and practiced various methods in order to understand, transform, “fluidize”, and optimize my mind until a few years ago when I came to terms with it, living the fact that I AM bigger than my mind. I lived the experience that the joy of BEING can coexist with the mind and that the mind can be seen from this perspective.

I encountered the Conscious Inner Liberation – Sedona Method in 2017 and I immediately realized that it was the “puzzle piece” that completed the overall picture.

I practiced it as if I had always known it and I felt compelled to share it in the form of courses, workshops and webinars, held face to face or online, in my country and abroad.

Using this method I support an online working group (weekly on Saturday from 19.00) during online sessions of relief and healing, to which are invited  those who participated in the introductory course and want to improve their practice as well as those who want to see and feel what it is all about.

For those who want to have a direct conversation with me, you can find me at befree@enalogos.life and on telephone number +40 755 144 455.

I am waiting for you with an open heart.

About the Conscious Inner Liberation – The Sedona Method

The Conscious Inner Liberation, also called the Sedona Method by the one who brought it to the world, Lester Levenson, is a natural process of the mind, which once conscious, is an easy and practical way of inner regulation.

As complete beings (an apparent whole body-mind-soul) we are continuously crossed by a flow of bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts. This crossing implies a limited time presence of this content in the being. In other words, everything that is in each of us at some point, comes and goes – it is transient.

Inner Conscious liberation involves two aspects:

To see that my Being is crossed by a sensation, emotion, thought and to realize that that something that crosses me is only a part of me (I contain that something – I am bigger) and only for a limited time.

To allow with indulgence to be crossed by that something, to consciously decide to allow this passage, without resisting it.

This simple method can be learned, rediscovered and then practiced very easily and in a short time by anyone. The immediate effect of this practice is to reduce exposure to unpleasant emotions with the appearance of an inner feeling of relief, peace, inner freedom and peace.

The constant practice of the Conscious Inner Liberation becomes spontaneous and allows one to live from this inner feeling of reconciliation with life.

As soon as the mind becomes thus calmer, both at the surface and at the deep level, life begins to flow more easily:

  • the ability to react appropriately to situations increases,
  • intelligence, intuition and creativity are amplified,
  • relationships with others improve,
  • health and good functioning of the body are harmonized,
  • more prosperity appears,
  • the ability to be  successful in the actions taken increases,
  • personal development and spiritual evolution are emphasized.

The Conscious Inner Liberation – Sedona Method – Releasing – Letting Go was shared with the world by Lester Levenson (1909-1994).

 Read more about Lester here si here.

About Enalogos

Enalogos is the vehicle through which Conscious Inner Liberation is passed on by Iulian Zonenstain

Enalogos expresses the return to Unity by consciously dissolving the duality, by sublimating the dialogue (communication between two parts) in an inner monologue (me with me towards Unity).

Enalogos – Conscious Inner Liberation represents the framework of manifestation of a practical, experiential promotion of Consciousness through:

  • webinars
  • courses and workshops, face to face and online
  • retreats and camps
  • personalized coaching sessions

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